It was about a decade ago when I saw an ad for the e-holster. At the time, I was stuffing my pockets with a PDA, cell phone, keys, etc. and needed a better way of carrying all of these gadgets. The e-holster was just right.
I got my first one in 2001 and have worn one ever since. I have had to buy new modules over the years to accommodate the different gadgets. Over the past year, I have replaced all of the components.

Front of e-Holster

Inside of e-Holster
The leather shoulder holster had started to show its age, so I went with the nylon version. It also has loops for wired headsets, where the leather one did not. And the Android phone and new eyeglass case size required the purchase of new case modules (leather).
As many of you know, I'm not your 'pocket-protector' type of geek. For years I have been asked, "Is that a holster you're wearing?"
Actually, it's an e-Holster Modular Shoulder Holster Case System.

I found that I could carry everything I usually would stuff into my pockets without getting the 'clown pants' look (over-stuffed pockets). This is my current configuration, as these are modular components.